AI-TIE strengthened the conditions for the development of artificial intelligence applications and strengthening cooperation. Cooperation can take place in many ways, but the orchestration of an innovation ecosystem, in particular, means bringing stakeholders together to work on a common challenge and to develop the means to create better conditions for cooperation.
AI-TIE brought together companies, higher education institutions, development organizations, chambers of commerce and industry and AI experts, who all worked together on supporting SMEs in the deployment of artificial intelligence. The aim was to consider ways to jointly create a better environment for AI development in Uusimaa and Southern Finland, which would support the competitiveness of SMEs.
20.3.2023 From Relatable Stories Towards AI Ecosystems – The European Business Review
10.11.2022 AI and medtech ecosystem in Finland – opportunities for SMEs – MedTech Insights
Web portal was created as a part AI-TIE – AI Technology Innovation Ecosystems for Competitiveness of SMEs (2021-2023) and AI-TIE South Finland (2022-2023) projects, which were supported by the European Regional Development Fund (REACT-EU) and Regional Councils of Helsinki-Uusimaa and Kymenlaakso.