AI molds the way we live, work, and lead. The video interview series ‘AI in Finland’ elucidates the role of AI in the daily lives and professional journeys of eleven Finnish influencers.
This engaging series features discussions with eleven influential Finnish figures, spanning from President Tarja Halonen to journalist Maria Pettersson, film director Aku Louhimies, CEO of Outokumpu; Ilkka Haahtela, entrepreneur, business angel Risto Siilasmaa, and renowned restaurateur and Master Chef judge Henri Alén.
Beyond Halonen, Pettersson, Louhimies, and Alén, the series amplifies the voices of Heikki Malinen, Director-General of the Finnish Immigration Service; Li Andersson, Party leader of the Left Alliance; World Champion of cross-country skiing Matti Heikkinen; the Director General of the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra Atte Jääskeläinen; Finnish commentator on international affairs and the CEO of Nordic West Office Risto E.J. Penttilä; Rector and CEO of Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences Minna Hiillos; entrepreneur and business guru Peter Vesterbacka; and Bishop Teemu Laajasalo.
Conducting the interviews is Anna Lahtinen, Senior Researcher at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences. You can access all episodes below or through this YouTube link. Please note that for English language you have to select English subtitles from the video settings.
Risto Siilasmaa
Risto E.J Penttilä
Atte Jääskeläinen
Maria Pettersson
Tarja Halonen
Aku Louhimies
Heikki Malinen
Li Andersson
Henri Alén
Ilkka Haahtela
Teemu Laajasalo
Matti Heikkinen
Minna Hiillos
Peter Vesterbacka
Guests of the interview series had the opportunity to pose questions about artificial intelligence that interested them. Watch their questions and the experts’ answers to them below. Participating in the discussions are Saara Hyvönen, Founder of technology company DAIN Studios; Teemu Toivonen, Futurice’s leading artificial intelligence expert; Ulla Broms, CEO of Foibe Kartano, Janne Kauttonen, data scientist and senior researcher from Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences; Saara Hassinen, CEO of Health Tech Finland; Lassi Kurkijärvi, Executive CTO of Sofigate; Tommi Knaapinen, CEO of West Uusimaa Chamber of Commerce, and Henrik Keinonen, responsible for XR & Blockchain partnerships at Business Helsinki.AI
Questions about artificial intelligence from Finnish influencers – 1/2
Questions about artificial intelligence from Finnish influencers – 2/2
Anna Lahtinen, Senior Researcher, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, tel. +358 50 505 7784,
Web portal was created as a part AI-TIE – AI Technology Innovation Ecosystems for Competitiveness of SMEs (2021-2023) and AI-TIE South Finland (2022-2023) projects, which were supported by the European Regional Development Fund (REACT-EU) and Regional Councils of Helsinki-Uusimaa and Kymenlaakso.