The AI-TIE project provides support for business development and growth utilizing artificial intelligence innovations and artificial intelligence solutions. The main goal of the AI-TIE project is to support SMEs in developing and growing their business.
During the project, companies will be able to utilize artificial intelligence to innovate their product and service development and deliver the outcome to their customers.
The artificial intelligence topic will be approached from the very basics terms towards industry-specific training, mentoring and accelerator activities. The project focuses on the clean industry and the welfare, social and health sectors.
Duration: 2021-2023
Partners: Haaga-Helia (main organizer), Laurea University of Applied Sciences (partner organizer), Finland’s AI accelerator FAIA ry, MyData Global ry, Helsingin seudun kauppakamari, Länsi-Uudenmaan kauppakamari, Itä-Uudenmaan kehitysyhtiö Posintra, Uudenmaan yrittäjät ry, NewCo Helsinki, Keski-Uudenmaan Kehittämiskeskus – KEUKE, Health Capital Helsinki, Terveysteknologia ry, Kemianteollisuus ry and Sailab MedTech Finland ry.
Sponsor: EAKR (REACT-EU) and Uudenmaan liitto
Communication and network partners
Artificial Intelligence Accelerator
Companies participating in AI accelerator
AI use cases generated by companies
Finnish companies' AI stories
Artificial Intelligence at Work Webinars
Participants in webinars
SME´s participating in RDI institutions´ projects
SME´s launching new RDI cooperation
SME´s receiving COVID-19 support
Anna Lahtinen
Project Manager
Tel. +358 50 505 7784
Altti Lagstedt
Tel. +358 40 488 7272
Janne Kauttonen
Tel. +358 40 488 7449
Elizabeth SanMiguel
Tel. +358 40 488 7135
Iris Humala
Tel. +358 50 530 6428
Marjo Ruuti
Tel. +358 40 152 7964
Teija Fontell
Tel. +358 40 832 2551
Oskari Lappalainen
Tel. +358 50 576 5764
Martti Asikainen
Tel. +358 50 576 5641
Eetu Tuominen
Tel. +358 50 478 5342
Annika Koskenkorva
Tel. +358 50 400 8099
Petteri Saloranta
Tel. +358 50 346 7054
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences was the primary implementor and coordinated of the project.
Laurea University of Applied Sciences was the secondary implementor of the project.
FAIA ry was one of the project's main collaborators and acted as an expert on the structure and content of the accelerators.
MyData is an international non-profit organization that works for the ethical use of data.
14.1.2022 Suomalaisten puhtaan teollisuuden pk-yritysten tekoälyvalmiudet paranivat kiihdyttämötoiminnan myötä — STT
20.10.2021 Artificial Intelligence Empowers the Competitiveness of Cleantech and Healthtech SMEs — Helsinki Smart Region
29.9.2021 Uusi hanke tukee pk-yrityksiä hyödyntämään tekoälyn mahdollisuuksia — Laurea
1.9.2021 Finland får fart på bruken av AI i mindre bedrifter — IT avisen
31.8.2021 Finnish project to boost adoption of AI at SMEs — Good News from Finland
20.8.2021 Finnish mission objectives to lift adoption of AI-based alternatives — Paper Boat
20.8.2021 Finnish project aims to boost adoption of AI-based solutions — MCU Times
20.8.2021 Finnish project aims to boost adoption of AI-based solutions — Health Care IT News
18.8.2021 Artificial Intelligence driving competitiveness in SMEs The new RDI project develops collaboration to support the Finnish AI Innovation System — Health Capital Helsinki
12.8.2021 Tekoälystä kilpailukykyä pk-yrityksille — SIL ry
11.8.2021 Tekoälystä kilpailukykyä pk-yrityksille – uusi AI-TIE -hanke kehittää yhteistyötä suomalaisen tekoälyekosysteemin tueksi — Haaga-Helia
11.8.2022 Uusi tekoälyhanke pk-yrityksille —
11.8.2021 Tekoälystä kilpailukykyä pk-yrityksille – uusi AI-TIE -hanke kehittää yhteistyötä suomalaisen tekoälyekosysteemin tueksi — STT
11.8.2021 AI-TIE – AI Technology Innovation Ecosystems for Competitiveness of SMEs. The New RDI Project Develops Collaboration to Support the Finnish AI Innovation System — Haaga-Helia
11.8.2021 AI-TIE – AI Technology Innovation Ecosystems for Competitiveness of SMEs — Haaga-Helia
6/2021 AI-TIE -Tekoälyinnovaatioekosysteemillä kilpailukykyä PK-yrityksille — Haaga-Helia
Web portal was created as a part AI-TIE – AI Technology Innovation Ecosystems for Competitiveness of SMEs (2021-2023) and AI-TIE South Finland (2022-2023) projects, which were supported by the European Regional Development Fund (REACT-EU) and Regional Councils of Helsinki-Uusimaa and Kymenlaakso.